you have received a few used parts from a dealer. many have components missing. what is the average number of components missing? given the following table...
components missing: Number of parts
0: 35
1-3: 50
4-6: 60
7-9: 40
...The correct answer is suppose to be 3.89, but what do I do to get this number?
components missing: Number of parts
0: 35
1-3: 50
4-6: 60
7-9: 40
...The correct answer is suppose to be 3.89, but what do I do to get this number?
For the 1 to 3 group assume an average of 2. For the other two groups assume averages of 5 and 8.
Mean number of parts missing = (35*0 + 50*2 + 60*5 + 40*8) / 185
Mean number of parts missing = (35*0 + 50*2 + 60*5 + 40*8) / 185