I'm having a brain dead moment. My brother just called asking about a right triangle. He's got one board that's exactly 20 ft long, and one that's 40 ft long. The diagonal would be 44.7213595 ft.
How would I convert that to feet-inch-16th?
How would I convert that to feet-inch-16th?
12 in = 1 ft
44.7213595 ft. = 44ft + .7213595 ft. = 44ft + 7213595x12 in. = 44ft + 8.656314in
= 44ft + 8in + .656314x16 (1/16ths)
44ft 8 11/16in
44.7213595 ft. = 44ft + .7213595 ft. = 44ft + 7213595x12 in. = 44ft + 8.656314in
= 44ft + 8in + .656314x16 (1/16ths)
44ft 8 11/16in
44 feet then multiply the .7213595 ft. by 12 to get inches = 8.656314
now you have 44 feet 8 inches and .656314 inches
If you want that decimal in 16ths then Multiply by 16
it comes to 10.5/16ths or 21/32nds of an inch
now you have 44 feet 8 inches and .656314 inches
If you want that decimal in 16ths then Multiply by 16
it comes to 10.5/16ths or 21/32nds of an inch
Multiply the fraction by 12 to get inches (with a fraction)
use this fraction, multiply by 16 to get sixteenths
use this fraction, multiply by 16 to get sixteenths