for 19.8997 to 3 decimal places
19.8997=19.900 round to 3 decimal places
Whenever we round, we look at the NEXT decimal place
So if we want 3 decimal place, we look at the 4TH DECIMAL PLACE (ten thousandths)
If the number is from 0 -4, we round down,
if the number is from 5 -9, we round up.
7 is in 5 - 9, so we round up
899 + 1 = 900
19.8997 ≈ 19.900 = 19.9
So if we want 3 decimal place, we look at the 4TH DECIMAL PLACE (ten thousandths)
If the number is from 0 -4, we round down,
if the number is from 5 -9, we round up.
7 is in 5 - 9, so we round up
899 + 1 = 900
19.8997 ≈ 19.900 = 19.9
19.899 7
= 19 .900 /// 899 goes by 1 to 900
= 19 .900 /// 899 goes by 1 to 900