Salt and Base reactions
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Salt and Base reactions

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 12-05-27] [Hit: ]
and solubility chart is only for double replacement equations.You could also try your text book! If all else fails make sure you ask questions from your teacher. It doesnt help you if you dont understand the material.......
In the following reactions what would we most likely see. Is NaCl soluble in a NaOH aqueous solution? In a NaHCO3 aqueous solution?

NaCl {s} + NaOH {aq} -->
NaCl {s} + NaHCO3 {aq} --> ?

Can anyone also suggest a good link to where I can learn how to understand such reactions intuitively?

Thanks in advance.


NaCl is probably quite soluble in both NaOH and NaHCO3 solutions . But there will be no reaction between these two compounds. Solubility does not indicate reactivity.
You do not get a reaction when you mix two compounds having the same metal cation. Or both having the same anion.


Also try google images for an Activity Series Chart & a solubility chart. The chart will help you tell which combinations are soluble, aqueous, or insoluble etc. Activity series is ONLY for single replacement equations, and solubility chart is only for double replacement equations.

You could also try your text book! If all else fails make sure you ask questions from your teacher. It doesn't help you if you don't understand the material.
keywords: and,Base,Salt,reactions,Salt and Base reactions
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