Apollo Saturn 5 rocket launch: what are the vapour and bits
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Apollo Saturn 5 rocket launch: what are the vapour and bits

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 12-05-27] [Hit: ]
The bits and pieces are ice.EDIT:There was no foam on the outside of the Saturn 5.The problem with that was a space shuttle thing, decades later, and it was for insulation and had nothing to do with attaching anything to anything.-It is a Styrofoam type block which is used to attach the rocket to the launch module.......
What is the (presumably) vapour pouring down the rocket? Are the snowlike bits you see pieces of paint? Thanks in advance but please state authority or source.

Condensed water vapor in the air from the cold of the cryogenic fuel tanks. The bits and pieces are ice.

EDIT: There was no foam on the outside of the Saturn 5. The problem with that was a space shuttle thing, decades later, and it was for insulation and had nothing to do with attaching anything to anything.

It is a Styrofoam type block which is used to attach the rocket to the launch module.

It is NOT styrofoam, but that kinda what it is without getting technical.

Just for further FYI, its rumoured that a large lump of the foam was what damaged the heat shield on the Columbia due to high force impact.
keywords: and,Saturn,are,what,rocket,vapour,bits,launch,Apollo,the,Apollo Saturn 5 rocket launch: what are the vapour and bits
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