Suppose you observe a distant galaxy with a lookback time of 8 billion years.
What was the maximum possible age for that galaxy when the light we are now observing from it began its journey to Earth? (Hint: Assume the galaxy was born less than a billion years after the Big Bang.)
I did 13.7 - 8 = 5.7 but it says not quite? Some help.
What was the maximum possible age for that galaxy when the light we are now observing from it began its journey to Earth? (Hint: Assume the galaxy was born less than a billion years after the Big Bang.)
I did 13.7 - 8 = 5.7 but it says not quite? Some help.
Assuming the galaxy was born less than a billion years after the Big Bang, it can be no less than 4.7 billion years old, and no greater than 5.7.