If the universe was created by the big bang theory, could not at some point in time there be a big colapse
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If the universe was created by the big bang theory, could not at some point in time there be a big colapse

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 12-07-13] [Hit: ]
so nobody knows what happened during that earliest time.The universe is expanding faster and faster due to the effects of dark energy, and there is no known mechanism by which the expansion might reverse or even slow down.-Its called The Big Crunch, and it was thought that the expansion of the universe would, or might,......

First of all, theories never create anything. Theories are explanations of how things are created.

Big bang theory covers events beginning 10^-43 seconds after the start of expansion from a singularity, so nobody knows what happened during that earliest time.

The universe is expanding faster and faster due to the effects of dark energy, and there is no known mechanism by which the expansion might reverse or even slow down.

It's called 'The Big Crunch', and it was thought that the expansion of the universe would, or might, eventually stop because of gravity, then all fall back together....

What has been observed, however, is that the expansion isn't slowing - it's speeding up... there's some force - right now, we call it "Dark Energy" because we don't know what it is - is causing some parts of universe to accelerate away from each other.

The big bang doesn't require for there to be a big collapse. Basically you can say perhaps but not necessarily.

Current measurements show the rate of expansion is increasing which is why dark matter is being looked at to explain the results so the big crunch does not seem likely.

Do you really suggest that a theory created the universe?! Learn how to write efficiently. The Big Bang Theory DOES NOT explain the origins of the universe. If you would not get your science facts from broadcast media or your idiotic friends then maybe you would be slightly more educated.

At one time the "Big Crunch" was a considered possibility by a very few scientists but, since so-called "dark energy" came along which is increasing the expansion rate of the universe, that theory has pretty well eaten the big one.

That theory states NOTHING about the creation of the universe.
keywords: the,big,theory,not,bang,be,there,created,in,some,colapse,universe,time,at,If,could,was,by,point,If the universe was created by the big bang theory, could not at some point in time there be a big colapse
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