No, no matter in the universe is expanding because of the universe, well, single conglomerates of matter that is, i.e. the Earth, sun, every star, etc. Everything is moving along with space. Space itself is expanding and that doesn't mean the things that reside in it are expanding themselves.
I would imagine that the space around the earth and other planets is, but not earth itself. Imagine putting a bead in a balloon and inflating it. While the balloon is expanding along with the space around the bead, the bead maintains its size.
the universe is expanding, not the things in it. the universe and all the things in it aren't connected in any way. the circumference of earth is not getting any greater.
Marco is correct! However, near The Big Rip (hundreds of Trillions of years from now), the very atoms themselves will fly apart as the distance between things gets larger.
The Earth isn't expanding only the universe is because of the dark energy.
No, the universe is expanding around us, not earth or planets.