What else do you expect them to do? On the one hand you compain that they have no idea what else might qualify as life, then you criticise them for basing their searches for life on what they DO know. Which should they be doing?
>>What is the point of pretending like we have any idea what kind of circumstances life can evolve in?<<
It's not pretending. We do know what kind of circumstances life can evolve in, because we happen to have evolved here ourselves. That's a pretty good data set. That does not mean we know ALL circumstances that might lead to life, but we are not 'pretending' that we know anything.
>>In some ways scientists are so delusional. Or are they just trying to pretend like they know things in order to look smart?<<
Who the HELL are you to dismiss scientists as 'delusional'? What gioves you that right? Do you have ANY idea at all how much work and education goes in to actually being a scientist? How dare you be so arrogant as to dismiss a whole group of people (upon whom large parts of your comfortable daily life depend, thank you) in such a way. I worked my entire adult life to become a scientist. What gives you the right to be so dismissive?
>>That's stupid because then when they find new life forms they have to redefine life and say oops guess we were wrong.<<
That's the very essence of science. It evolves, it redefines, it develops. Scientists never claim they know everything. What's the point of science if we know everything? The wholebasis of it is to explore and develop our understanding. And you are benefiting from that every single day of your life.
>>Also whats your opinion on the abundance of life within our galaxy?<<
Unkown. There might be life, there might not. We have, as yet, no evidence that any exists anywhere but on Earth, however.
>>I just don't see the point in searching only for earth like planets, and defining the habitable zone. And I definitely don't think we should point around randomly and say life life!<<