How can I start a robotics team in my school?
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How can I start a robotics team in my school?

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 12-08-13] [Hit: ]
Are there websites? Besides the building of robots, what else generally goes on in a robotics club? Any other piece of information that you think is important please include.newark, digikey,......
I would be interested in starting a robotics club at my school. There currently isn't one and there never was one. To start any club in my school, we need a petition with 20 signatures from students saying that it's a good idea.
Where do people in robotics club usually purchase their materials? Are there websites? Besides the building of robots, what else generally goes on in a robotics club? Any other piece of information that you think is important please include.
Thank you all so much <3

there are websites and many of them:

general electronic components and kits:
newark, digikey, mouser...

mechanical parts and all sorts of things:
mcmaster carr

variety of modules, servos, pcb, ideas etc:

brains are microcontrollers, pick one that matches your experience.
if no electronics and no programming experience, consider arduino (before, that would be basic stamp). hardware is not cheapest but software is free and there is TONs of code samples
and add-ons (so called "shields").

if experienced with c programming etc. i would consider something with more punch
like Discovery kits from STM (32-bit cortex processor, FPU, plenty of RAM, I/O etc.).

in general most platforms can be programmed in c or asm:

c is 'high level language' which is more readable to humans. another big advantage is that with little or no change it can be used on any platform (arduino, pic, rabbit, z8encore, z80, cortex, PC, whatever)

asm is assembler and it is generally harder to work with but it gives ultimate control of any hardware. the downside is that moving from one platform to another usually means relearning everything.

That sounds hard to organize just by yourself! I believe you should hire an aide or just ask a friend to help you. As for supplies, I'm pretty sure Google can help you with that.
keywords: How,school,can,my,in,start,team,robotics,How can I start a robotics team in my school?
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