9) Isolate a joint and all members that are attached it, then just use the formula for computing concurrent forces to get the forces of each member. Of course you have to start with the joint with the LEAST number of members attached to it and easiest to solve, in this case it is joint D.
example, if you isolate joint D, the only members attached to it are members DE and DC.
If you isolate joint G, the only members attached to it is FG. So therefore FG = Rg = 96 kips (tensile).
If you isolate joint A, the only members attached to it are members AF and AB.
If you isolate joint E, the only members attached to it are members ED, EF, and EC only.
If you isolate joint B, the only members attached to it are members AB, BC, and BF only.
If you isolate joint F, the only members attached to it are members FG, FE, AF, FB, and FC.
If you isolate joint C, the only members attached to it are members BC, FC, EC, and DC.
10) After you computed all the members, you're good to go!