Why water????????????????????????
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Why water????????????????????????

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 11-04-23] [Hit: ]
This means that although there is the force of gravity pulling the water down, there is an equal force of the rocks below it pushing the water up. Because these forces are equal, the water doesnt go anywhere.Why doesnt water escape into space?- Again,......
why water doesn't go down, as the earth is square. i mean earth is square and water is still there like earth's shape is rectangle, i dont know how to ask, i hope u can understand

Because of Gravity

Your question borders on the unintelligible. I have no idea what you are trying to ask, however I will attempt answering many things in a sort of blunderbuss approach.

Why does water hang around on the surface of the earth?
- There is this marvellous force called gravity that means that things with mass attract each other.
The Earth's large mass means we attract lots of space debris like meteors every now and then. It is theorised that some of Earth's water came from massive asteroids waaaay back in Earth's geological history. Gravity has also meant that once the water got here, it mostly stuck around.
We have water on the surface of our Earth because it's mass, therefore it's gravitational attraction, keeps it there.

Why doesn't water simply crunch through to the centre of the Earth if the centre of the Earth is attracting it so much?
- The scientist who first had serious thoughts about Gravity was Isaac Newton, and he came up with some rules about how forces work. One of his rules says that every force has an equal and opposite force. This means that although there is the force of gravity pulling the water down, there is an equal force of the rocks below it pushing the water up. Because these forces are equal, the water doesn't go anywhere.

Why doesn't water escape into space?
- Again, this depends on Gravity. The reason why rockets have to go really fast is because they have to reach the "escape velocity" - the speed required to overcome the planet's gravity and escape off into space. Water molecules have their own escape velocity, but the vast majority of them don't have enough speed, so they don't escape.

What make stuff float?
- The density of an object is determined by how much mass is contained in its volume. Things will lower density will float on things with higher density. When throwing stones into the water at the beach, the stones sink because they have a higher density.

I hope that what ever it is you wanted cleared up is now clearer. If not, I'm sorry for babbling on for several paragraphs.

Let's see. Water exist at the surface of the earth because the pressure and temperature are such that it is a liquid. It fills open space (i.e. rivers and oceans) but cannot flow into the earth crust as it is too light. Gravity is what holds the whole thing together in a early perfect sphere.

What do you mean by square earth?
keywords: Why,water,Why water????????????????????????
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