What's that ligth called that appears in the nigth
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What's that ligth called that appears in the nigth

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 11-04-22] [Hit: ]
com/search?A source for Information,This is information from the referenced site at Michigan Tech that has lots more information if you are interested.I hope this is helpful.-It is the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights in the north.There is also the Aurora Australis (Southern Lights in the south near the Antarctic Circle.......
And dances while it changes color..
I think they appear in Alaska.

I think you're talking about the Aurora Borealis.


It is called the AURORA BOREALIS

A source for Information, links and images about the "Northern Lights" on-line since the Web began


This is information from the referenced site at Michigan Tech that has lots more information if you are interested.

I hope this is helpful.

It is the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights in the north. There is also the Aurora Australis (Southern Lights in the south near the Antarctic Circle.

Arora Borealis
keywords: that,nigth,ligth,039,in,appears,the,What,called,What's that ligth called that appears in the nigth
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