A block of an unknown metal has dimensions 1.22ft by 0.455 ft by 2.41ft, and weighs 337.1kg. what is the density of this metal block?
(1.22 ft) x (0.455 ft) x (2.41 ft) = 1.337791 ft^3 = 37882 cm^3
(337.1 x 10^3 g) / (37882 cm^3) = 8.90 g/cm^3
[You didn't ask, but this is close to the density of nickel, copper and cobalt.]
(337.1 x 10^3 g) / (37882 cm^3) = 8.90 g/cm^3
[You didn't ask, but this is close to the density of nickel, copper and cobalt.]