Decomposition reaction: are reactions that break down larger molecules in to small one or simpler form.
Example:Mg2CO3 heat> magnesium carbonate is break down into magnesium oxide and carbon dioxide.
KClO3 heat>KCl+O2.In this reaction potassium converted into potassium chloride and oxygen.
Displacement reactions (replacement): are reactions that assemble two or more atoms or molecules. Displacement reactions could be classified as single and double displacement reactions.
Example:AB+C----AC+B.single displacemnt.
AB+CD---AC+BD.dobule displacement
Composition reaction:are reactions that only produce a single product.
* 1,3,5,10,11,14,17and,22 are double replacement reactions.
*2,4,13,16,24 are combination reactions.
*6 and 20 are decompositions reactions.
*9,12,19,25 are combustion reactions.
*8,15 and 21 are acid + carbonate.
*15,18 and 23 are single replacement.