dumb a$$
oranges or any fruit gets it's color from color giving pigments called chromo plasts and they are present inside plastids in every fruit.
Similar is the case with orange and actually whta these chromoplasts do is they provide an orange with a capability to absorb all the six components of white light except the orange one and hence they look orange to us
Similar is the case with orange and actually whta these chromoplasts do is they provide an orange with a capability to absorb all the six components of white light except the orange one and hence they look orange to us
Oranges are the color orange because when white light shines on them all other colors are absorbed except the colors that are reflected. The colors (wavelengths) that are reflected enter the retina of the eye and send a signal to the brain. The brain interprets these signals and you realize that the color you are seeing is orange.
They are not. They are ordinary. We humans called them orange as green or blue would be pretty silly.
Well they were obviously named after the colour not the colour named after the fruit.
because there not green lol