Curved noses, round jaws, brown skin, low cheekbones, wavy jet black hair, round black eyes
straight noses, almond or normal eyes, blue eyes, light skin, straight/wispy blond or brown hair
India look is cute
Euro look is sexy but boring pale, ruler loooll
straight noses, almond or normal eyes, blue eyes, light skin, straight/wispy blond or brown hair
India look is cute
Euro look is sexy but boring pale, ruler loooll
while im not sure about many of the more physical traits, the chromatic ones can be explained. In terms of sun exposure and temperature, i think SOuth Asia and Africa (being on the equator and relatively close to one another) are relatively similar, whereas Europe is different and likely colder due to that it is further north. this may account for eye, hair, and skin colors, though im not entirely sure of the science that backs that up.
your phenotypic description means nothing. this question is so open that any answer means nothing. biology is not that simple. Mitochondrial DNA can tell you more about human genetics per continent.