in the proton-proton chain, when a proton fuses with another proton to form deuterium and one of the protons gives of a positron and neutrino to become a neutron, is that considered beta radiation? is it beta radiation when the proton converts into a neutron?
Yes, broadly speaking the emission of a positron during fusion is sometimes called "beta radiation". This is really a matter of semantics.
Why is it a helium nucleus? Because that's a very stable configuration of particles, and that makes it more likely. Nuclear physics is complex and difficult to calculate. A lot of what happens in nuclear physics is the way it is just because of the specifics of the particles and their interactions. It doesn't necessarily have a simple explanation.
Why is it a helium nucleus? Because that's a very stable configuration of particles, and that makes it more likely. Nuclear physics is complex and difficult to calculate. A lot of what happens in nuclear physics is the way it is just because of the specifics of the particles and their interactions. It doesn't necessarily have a simple explanation.