Dob 1/9/1987 @9:00 am
Sun cap
Moon taurus
Mercury cap
Venus sag
Mars aries
Sun cap
Moon taurus
Mercury cap
Venus sag
Mars aries
Describe a capricorn with this planet placements?
A capricorn is a mythological figure (i.e. it doesn't exist) with half of its body as a goat and the other half as a fish. It does not have planets.
Capricornus is one of the 13 constellations in the zodiac at the current time. Sometimes you can spot planets on it, sometimes it doesn't. On the day you've indicated, there were no planets in that constellation.
Since you're obviously asking a question about astrology, you should find the Horoscopes forum instead (it's in the Entertainment & Music category of Yahoo Answers). This forum is about astronomy, not astrology.
Capricornus is a constellation, a bounded area of the sky containing stars, star clusters, and sometimes planet. A "capricorn" is a mythical beast, half goat, half fish. The other stuff you mention is used by pseudoscientists called astrologers to make up fairy stories about someone's life, not governed by any scientific laws of biology or psychology.
You're asking this in the wrong category. You'll find "Horoscopes" under "Entertainment," while "Astronomy & Space" is under "Science & Mathematics." Yahoo!Answers knows that astrology is just an amusing pastime, not a science.
Astronomers are not fortune tellers. We predict real physical events in the real universe, not the imaginary effects of the planets on the inhabitants of a small planet in orbit around a yellow dwarf star.
Let me give you a bit of heart-felt advice. Please don't base important decisions in your life on astrology. Look at your options, and make your decision based on factual information and what feels right to you, not on the hocus-pocus that some charlatan dreams up based on the supposed positions of the planets.
Rather than wasting your time on old superstitions, let me suggest that you read the link below, because it points out that not only is astrology wrong, but it is actually dangerous since it erodes our ability to think critically.
You're asking this in the wrong category. You'll find "Horoscopes" under "Entertainment," while "Astronomy & Space" is under "Science & Mathematics." Yahoo!Answers knows that astrology is just an amusing pastime, not a science.
Astronomers are not fortune tellers. We predict real physical events in the real universe, not the imaginary effects of the planets on the inhabitants of a small planet in orbit around a yellow dwarf star.
Let me give you a bit of heart-felt advice. Please don't base important decisions in your life on astrology. Look at your options, and make your decision based on factual information and what feels right to you, not on the hocus-pocus that some charlatan dreams up based on the supposed positions of the planets.
Rather than wasting your time on old superstitions, let me suggest that you read the link below, because it points out that not only is astrology wrong, but it is actually dangerous since it erodes our ability to think critically.
Take to astrology, They tell you what you want to hear. For us in 'astronomy and space', what 'sign' you are has less use than the yesterday's used diapers.