why do our muscles on our backs fall down. all the time?
Philomel say: I don't know what you are asking. Show us a picture of it.
Andrew Smith say: I have not seen this effect on backs but I have observed that with age the muscles, from the chest of many men, tend to fall to their stomachs.
I wonder if the two are related.
poldi2 say: Explain how your muscles on your back fall down all the time, and why you haven't seen a doctor about it.
billrussell42 say: I don't know about you, but my muscles on my back stay in place, they do NOT fall down.
vveja say: tmwctpua
lluam say: ovydyeqn
plxbp say: rvurcamy
Anon say: What? Yh my bones are still in my body where they should be
Dances with Weed say: Sounds like you have some problems the rest of us dont.
fltdz say: jumzrfqo
bpcrk say: flmvtzbm
nryqf say: offihgub