What percentage of Europe's population was Christian during the Middle Ages?
Also, when did Europe have the highest percent Christian population?
Please keep it factual. I'll need a source or reference. Thank you.
say: The Middle Ages lasted longer than the Modern Era has – do you have an actual period in mind?
Phil A say: Most of Europe was Christian by the year 1000 AD.
I read that at at least 50%
Ludwig say: 'The Middle Ages' is a very long time, and religious practices and beliefs varied across Europe over the centuries. There were pagan areas even in the British Isles up until the 13th century.
capitalgentleman say: It depends on when, but, by the end, other than some Jews, and Muslims here, and there, pretty much everyone else was Christian.
say: Depends what time during the Middle Ages you are talking about. 5th century, 11th century, 15th century, etc
They Pelted Us With Rocks And Garbage say: That'd depend on how you define "the middle ages" and "christian."