Can someone describe how water moves into and out of the atmosphere? Please help
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Can someone describe how water moves into and out of the atmosphere? Please help

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 11-04-22] [Hit: ]
As the air cools, the humidity reaches 100%Thats all the air can hold, so the water condenses into clouds.As the air cools further, more water condenses into clouds until a point is reached where the clouds cant hold all the water, so it comes out as rain,......
Suppose you have a lake or the ocean. The Sun is shining and the weather is warm. Water turns to water vapor and evaporates into the air, increasing the humidity. This is the first half of the water cycle. Then a breeze, (or wind), carries the water vapor over a mountain, (or at least to a cooler area.) The air cools off, and as the temperature of the air drops, the humidity rises, because the air can hold less water when it's cold than when it's warm. As the air cools, the humidity reaches 100% That's all the air can hold, so the water condenses into clouds. As the air cools further, more water condenses into clouds until a point is reached where the clouds can't hold all the water, so it comes out as rain, or snow if it's cold enough. The rain falls to the ground, runs into streams, then rivers, and back to the lake or ocean where it started, or into the ground to replenish the water table, where it can be pumped up from wells. There you have the complete water cycle.

For more information, check Wikipedia for "Weather".

Water is transported through the water cycle. Water evaporates and comes down again because of precipitation (rain, snow, etc.). This is how water gets "recycled." There has always been the same amount of water on Earth and in Earth's atmosphere combined. It's important not to "waste" water because the process of collecting, filtering, and processing water is costly.

Energy is required for the process. Thus, when you conserve water, you conserve energy. Producing energy, maybe except for solar power and hydropower, will most likely emit pollutants and carbon dioxide into the environment. This contributes to pollution and global warming.
keywords: and,moves,of,Can,describe,someone,into,water,out,Please,help,atmosphere,how,the,Can someone describe how water moves into and out of the atmosphere? Please help
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