However, if you prefer to see a triangle on the Sun, or you succumb to the suggestioning of others, then we can't prevent you from doing it. You're not alone: quite a lot of people enjoy thinking they live in a supernatural, unknown world. Humans have been falling for that trap for thousands of years (look at the stories about gods, demons, goblings, ghosts, unicorns, etc.) so it's not going to change any time soon.
What is disturbing is that I know that this stuff will continue to happen, because it has happened in the past: people have their own ignorance about Nature used against themselves, and so they fall victims of every crook that comes along with a sufficiently crazy story. This is more disturbing if you consider that the people that fall for these things are likely to fall for other hoaxes too. Sadly, we never hear from them again so we can't be sure what they learn from these episodes.