Is elevation determined more by precipitation or temperature
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Is elevation determined more by precipitation or temperature

[From: ] [author: ] [Date: 13-10-31] [Hit: ]
As with most things, there are exceptions, but in general, the above observations are true.......
Ok so at the moment i am doing a AP Environmental Science Biome Lab. There where 3 locations which have recorded the precipitation and the temperature Location A, B, and C. The question was which of the locations is the lowest elevation. Since Location C has the lowest temperature and precipitation i automatically took it out as a choice. From the data recorded Location A has the highest precipitation while Location B has the highest temperature. I believe it can be either both but if anyone knows which of the two locations can have the lowest elevation please tell me!

IMO temperature is the more determining factor, because if you think about it, the amount of precipitation isn't directly affected by elevation (although there is some difference found), but the type of precipitation is affected more. That is why you have snow in mountains and not on beaches. But, you still have precipitation on beaches. Temperature, on the other hand, directly drops at about a 3-3.75 degrees per 1000 feet of rise, which to me is a much better option for that question. For your question the answer should be B.

No problem :) Glad it helped

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The highest elevation will normally have the lowest temperature.
The lowest elevation will normally have the highest temperature because the air is heated from below by conduction. The farther from the heat source, the colder the temperature.

As with most things, there are exceptions, but in general, the above observations are true.
keywords: Is,or,more,precipitation,temperature,determined,by,elevation,Is elevation determined more by precipitation or temperature
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