For example, is there an easy way to know if a 3/4 screw is greater than a 11/16 ?
I know that 3/4 = 12/16, but is just this that I intend to avoid, convert fractions to equivalent ones.
I know that 3/4 = 12/16, but is just this that I intend to avoid, convert fractions to equivalent ones.
denominator - numerator and the one with the largest different is the smallest
4-3=1 and 16-11=5
so 3/4 is the bigger one
@ rainbow burst my freaking bubble lolz
the fact that i came back to this question shows that i my self was looking for the answer :)
4-3=1 and 16-11=5
so 3/4 is the bigger one
@ rainbow burst my freaking bubble lolz
the fact that i came back to this question shows that i my self was looking for the answer :)
I only know of two ways. One is the method you shown above. The other is just simply divide the fraction in a calculator to get a decimal value. For examples, 3/4 = 0.75 and 11/16 = 0.6875. So 3/4 > 11/16. lol
To sony, what about 3/4 and 1/2?
To sony, what about 3/4 and 1/2?