How does a stegosaurus dinosaur have sex and reproduce?
Tiburon say: they managed no problem
Jeffrey K say: They don't. That's why they are extinct.
Patrick say: They use a stegoextention...
Big Kahuna say: They tie each other down and get kinky.
Rattler say: They haven't done it for 200 million years
ioywi say: nvdrphpo
ibmra say: tapxomun
kvgsq say: kikwksie
Nancy say: carefully, slowly and not for a very long long time
deray say: kuqkqiei
Martin say: they lie on their backs ,because their sexual organs would be very painful if they tried it from the top
Alex say: Right after two martinis and a couple of smokes.
Jake No Chat say: Mount them, do the deed, and hope that it works. Not so tricky, they did it for millions of years.
begna say: fzbptxvb