Are children in today's government schools taught how to add and subtract and multiply and divide numbers???
The Oracle of Omigod say: Frankly, no. I ran a snack shack and spent my days teaching teenagers how to make change. Our children are largely mathematically illiterate.
poldi2 say: Based on some of the questions I see here, it would appear that they are not taught anything in school anymore.
Or perhaps they just don't pay attention in class - kids on their phones 24/7 so they may just not learn.
Como say: Indeed they are ! ! !
The Taxpayer say: They can barely read and most can't do simple math...but they're terrified of climate change.
geezer say: The SAD thing is that learning how to do basic maths in your head
is almost a thing of the past thanks to calculators and computers !
Someone on here, a while ago, PROUDLY announced that they were an accountant
and their maths was bad, but it didn't matter because you didn't need it to do the job.
pearlmar say: There is no such thing as government schools.
If you refer to public schools, yes, of course they are.
? say: Supposedly, yes, but the results haven't been too successful when compared to other countries.
say: Yes, but there’s a greater emphasis on teaching politically correct stuff.
Fenian Rising say: Yes but with all the apps nowadays that do all these things they aren't put in to practice in the real world outside school hours, so they are being dumbed down significantly
Brian say: Yes. But no one knows what goes on in homeskool.