what do visitors from other realms of existence seek from us?
Rufus T. Firefly say: Going by the other answers, evidently we're sexy.
j153e say: Dr. David Jacobs puts forth an interesting theory in his "Walking among Us."
Some other good theories in:
"Galaxy Gate" by Colton and Murro;
"The Soulless One;"
"The Day after Roswell;"
"UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record;"
"Encounter in Rendlesham Forest;"
"The Illuminati" by Jim Marrs;
"The Invisible College" by Jacques Vallee;
"Chariots of the Gods;"
say: I pooped my pants in public
Dr. NG say: Fresh meat and hair for toupees.
joe say: learn to love and ask them
Answer say: To kill us and replace us with identical robots
OwlTrading say: I'm thinking fresh produce
Satyrette Of Liberty say: Dank memes and uninspirational quotes.
Lunchlumps say: Mostly hot ghost sex
say: they want to have sex